One song at time…

– Boulder Weekly

Boulder Weekly May 2024

“Since picking up that first guitar, Coker is still drawing from some of his earliest inspirations. While hometown hero Bruce Springsteen shot up the charts with working-class anthems, a young Coker gravitated more toward psychedelic bands like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Yes and Rush during those formative years. But in writing his record, he found himself channeling his inner Boss.

Coker’s lyrics share stories about lonesome long-haul truckers and lovelorn romantics, wayfarer cowboys and hungry musicians striving to make it in the Country Music Capital of the World. His eclectic music is reminiscent of New Jersey’s favorite son. While Coker’s work isn’t so much autobiographical, he says “every story or song is going to have some of you in it.” 

Boulder Magazine February 2024

Tinnitist May 2024

“Hailing from Boulder, Colo., the fifty-something singer-songwriter has decades of life, love, loss, learning, yearning and regret under his belt — and brings them to bear on every track of this outstanding nine-song collection. Listening to these songs is the musical equivalent of meeting a lifelong friend for the first time. With a sensibility that favors timelessness over trendiness, and a voice like a warm breeze blowing through the reeds at dusk, Coker pens earthy, earnest fare that walks the line between Laurel Canyon folk, strummy alt-country and rustic Americana. Offered with a casual understatement that belies their meticulous craftsmanship, his songs invite comparison to the likes of James Taylor and Jackson Browne.

Roots Music Project Press Release

It’s finally here! Duncan Coker’s album release is happening this Friday, April 5th, at Roots Music Project. Duncan Coker’s musical roots run deep, from a standout soprano in South Carolina to a guitar-slinging teen growing up in New Jersey. Leaving behind church choirs for the raw energy of rock, Coker found his true calling. Part folk rock, part honky-tonk , his music is a tribute to those formative years by a river, guitar in hand, dreaming big. Get ready for a night of incredible music and unforgettable moments.